
2011-Present University of East Anglia, PhD 

  • The Impact of Winter and Breeding Season Habitat Selection on Distribution and Productivity in Partial Migrants in Iberia. 
    Includes winter and breeding season fieldwork, stable isotope and heavy metal analysis.

2009 - 2010 University of East Anglia. MSc Environmental Sciences. Distinction

  • Courses included: Ecological Responses to Climate Change, The Science of Climate Change, Climate Change: Science, Society and Policy, Issues in Conservation, GIS for Ecology and Environmental Management.

1997 - 2000 University of Exeter. BSc Hons Geography (Earth Studies)

  • Courses included: The Holocene, Quaternary Environment Change. Peatlands Past, Present and Future, Glacial Processes and Landforms, Sedimentology, Catchment Hydrology, Floodplain Geomorphology, Geology I & II

Research & Experience


  • Speaker in the Centre for Ecology And Evolution (CEEC) seminar series,
  • Member of the committee responsible for organising every aspect of the 2 day student-led CEEC Rebellion Conference 28th February-1st March 2013. 
January 2014 - October 2014, Norfolk Wildlife Services: Monitor and Survey Subcontractor
  • Subcontracted as required for wildlife surveys including bat, water vole, newts and rreptiles.

March 2012 - January 2014, Norfolk Wildlife Services: Monitor and Survey Volunteer 
  • Wildlife Surveys. Species include Bat, Water Vole, Newt. Also reptile and National Vegetation Classification (NVC) surveys and butterfly transects. See my profile on the volunteers page:


2011 Research Assistant

  •  Butterfly Dispersal Research Group (BDRG), University of East Anglia. 

  • Independently arranged and carried out all aspects of fieldwork in Wiltshire, Northamptonshire and Leicestershire to catch 60 female Brown Argus and Common Blue butterflies and rear their caterpillars in the laboratory under a controlled temperature regime as part of an international, multi-university collaboration investigating butterfly dispersal in fragmented landscapes under threat of climate change. Involved rearing the food plants and highly sensitive caterpillars and recording their individual behaviour.

2010 MSc Dissertation

  • Precipitation Source Regions of the Antarctic Peninsula Inferred from a High Resolution Deuterium Excess Record. 
  • A collaboration with the British Antarctic Survey involving analysis of stable water isotopes from the Gomez glacier, Antarctic Peninsula. Experience of sample preparation and analysis by Thermo-Finigan Delta-Plus XP continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry, independent lab work, handling of large data sets.

2000 BSc Dissertation 

  • Pollen Analysis from a Victorian Water Garden in Epping Forest. 
  • This discussed the hydroseral succession as a lake evolved to woodland using pollen extracted from a peat core. It demonstrates my long term interest in the ecological aspects of climatic change and the use of climatological techniques. Required independent fieldwork using a peat corer, laboratory preparation of samples, identification of tree and plant (terrestrial and aquatic) species by pollen grains through a microscope.


 Teaching Experience  
  • Demonstrator for 1st and 2nd Year Undergraduate Modules, Field trips and Summer Schools. 
    Modules including: Earths Chemical Processes 1 & 2 (mathematical practicals and field trips), Geodynamics practicals over 3 consecutive years, Aquatic Ecology (field trips, practicals, examiner of oral presentations contributing to final grade), Introductory Ecology (fieldtrips), Biodiversity over 2 years (practicals, teaching small groups, mock assessments and feedback, fieldtrips, marking and exam monitoring for assessments contributing to final grades). 
    2013 Aramco Summer School: A leader on the Coastal Erosion field trip, flume demonstrations of ripple formation and erosion round objects, debate preparation and debate judging panel.
  • STEMnet Ambassador. (Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Maths network). Encouraging young people to achieve their potential in the stem subjects through workshops and events in local schools.

  • UEA Schools Outreach. Leader of a variety of schools workshops tailored as required for different age groups from 7-13years including: The Geology of Norfolk, Sustainable Fishing, Careers in the Sciences. Assistant in the Who Done It Introduction to Laboratory Analysis and Reactions Tests with various age groups.
  • 2012. Centre for Staff Education and Development (CSED): Developing Teaching Skills
    Courses included: An Introduction to Learning and Teaching and to Developing Practice, Evaluation of Learning and Development, Assessing Students Learning, Designing and Leading Seminars to Promote Learning, Teaching International Students, Supporting Students with Individual Learning Needs, Teaching in the Lab.
  • BBC CBeebies Mr Bloom's Nursery: Get Set, Grow Tour. Kings Lynn Roadshow, Exciting Soils stand. First aired on TV February 2013.
  • 2011 Engagement Project Co-ordinator, Encounters with Butterflies.              
    This CUE East funded project aimed to engage, inform and enthuse school children, conservation enthusiasts and the wider public about the internationally important scientific research taking place at UK universities. It also aimed to recruit volunteers of all ages to assist collecting scientific data. My role was to advertise, organise and run a series of nation-wide 1-day workshops aimed at different age groups (ages 7-adult); and going in to local schools to highlight, explain and enthuse children about UEA's butterfly research. During a fully interactive presentation I explain the mechanisms and debate surrounding climate change, its impacts for biodiversity and butterfly dispersal, then the Butterfly Dispersal Research Group project; before an afternoon of demonstrations allowing attendees to try out butterfly fieldwork techniques. The workshop series concludes with a 1 day event, organised by myself, in The Forum, Norwich, in October 2011. 

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