Tuesday, 21 May 2013

*Donate to My Research Project and Name a Logged Chick!!!*

At the beginning of June I will be returning to Portugal to attach GPS/GSM data loggers to chicks in the nests of logged adults and I need your help to decide their names. 

The stork chicks have hatched....

....grown (here about 20-25 days old)....

....and are close to fledging..

 Partly assisted by kind donations from my blog readers I have funds for 8 loggers. These will be attached to the 2 heaviest chicks in 4 nests and I need your help to decide names for them!

Names of 3 chicks have already been decided but:
 the next 5 people to donate to my research through this website will be offered the exciting opportunity to name the last 5 chicks. 

The loggers should last for up to a year and the location of the chicks can be viewed on a live map on the website of the British Trust for Ornithology, just like the adults.

Will the logged chicks winter in Portugal or is the instinct to migrate to Africa stronger? Will they migrate with the logged parent? Where in Africa will they go?
Find out the answer to these and other exciting questions by sponsoring a stork chick!

Loggers cost £100 each, but any amount you can spare would be very welcome! If I raise sufficient funds I will be able to fit more loggers, so donate without delay and name a stork chick! Currently, only the first 5 donors can name chicks, so be the first to donate!

Donate through Paypal by clicking on the 'Support a Stork' link on the top right side of this page.

Clicking on the "Donate" button takes you straight to Paypal so it is speedy and secure.

Update to follow on the progress of fund raising and stork chick naming -and of course photos of the loggers being fitted.

Thank you to all!

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Duck Migratory Decisions Also Linked to Warmer European Winter Temperatures

Storks are not the only species whose migratory decisions are impacted by warmer European winter temperatures. Here a link to an article about UK ducks:


Friday, 10 May 2013

Chicks of Logged Birds

Breeding season is well underway. Despite a few days of high winds experienced over most of Portugal, this season seems set to be a good year for breeding storks with no sign of the rain and low temperatures in the crucial first weeks after hatching that caused many nests to fail last year.

The birds do not all breed in synchrony together and so far I have seen chicks ranging from just hatched to 30 days old whilst some adults are still incubating eggs. 

Our logged birds feature along the full length of this spectrum: Ricardo's chicks being oldest and Carlos perhaps still on eggs (or his chicks too young for their heads to appear above the sides of the nest yet). Here are some photos of the logged birds with captions about their progress:

LEFT: Brutus regurgitating food for his chicks. The head of one can be seen next to his bill. Brutus appears to have 3 chicks, although his nest is deep so this is not confirmed because his chicks are still small.
ssss ssss ssss ssss ssss ssss ssss sss  

RIGHT: Aldina (left) had 3 eggs and all these have hatched. Her chicks are still young and small which is why they are not visible in this picture.  Her neighbours 4 chicks (right), just visible as white bundles, are about 3 weeks older than Aldinas chicks. Aldina's chicks are the youngest of all the chicks in this colony.

BELOW: A blurry shot of Aldinas 3 10 day old chicks huddled together.

sss ssssssss ss sssss ssss ssss  

RIGHT: The biggest nests are usually occupied by the highest quality breeders. Ricardo has a big nest on a pylon. His chicks are the oldest of all the logged birds. The heads of 2 20-30day old chicks can just be seen above the top of the nest.

LEFT: Carlos is the only logged bird nesting alone rather than in a colony. His nest is on a tall purpose-built post topped with a nest platform. No heads of chicks have been seen yet, so I think he is still on eggs. Compare the nest size with Ricardo's. Carlos has a much smaller nest.

RIGHT: Phil has chosen to nest in a beautiful, old Cork Oak tree. His nest is low enough to see in to and has 4 very young chicks under 1 week old.


LEFT: Nathalie on a branch above her nest. If you click on the photo to enlarge it and look closely you can just see the logger on her back.
Sadly, Sara's breeding attempt seems to have failed in the last few days. I visited her nest on 5th May and saw no sign of her, her partner or any eggs/chicks. After a day or so without transmitting she suddenly abandoned her breeding site and is now in Spain. 

The reasons behind her breeding failure are unknown. The weather has been good and predation is unlikely because there is always an adult in attendance at the nest. It is possible that late returning migrants out-competed her for her nest however I saw no other adults at her nest. It is possible her partner died or she is a young, inexperienced mum and was not tending her chicks with sufficient care and therefore they did not survive. It is not uncommon for first-time breeders to fail. It is unlikely that she will attempt to breed again this year. Will Sara migrate to Africa now that her breeding season is over? Or will she stay in Iberia?

Keep checking up on the storks movements at the BTO's website to see where Sara goes (follow the link to the BTO stork tracking pages on the front page of my blog).

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Storks in the News II

Carlos (3V+) on his nest near Alvito. I suspect he is on eggs as no chicks heads were seen

 Breeding season is well under way here in Portugal. Many storks have chicks, particularly in the north of the country, whilst the chicks are slightly younger in the south and many birds there are still on eggs. (I am still trying to figure out the reason behind this trend for earlier breeding in the north). I will be uploading photos of chicks of various ages just as soon as I have had a chance to sort through them all!

High winds and a sudden drop in temperature for a few days last week have caused havoc in some regions, particularly the Algarve. I was contacted with concern from Portimao where apparently nests have been blown to pieces and chicks left exposed. I shall be back there in a few days to check on the damage for myself. The nests in this area are part of my study and they were doing so well when I visited at the end of April!

The storks are well loved here in Portugal and the plight of the chicks has touched peoples hearts. The Portugal News, Portugal's largest English language newspaper, is running a story and asked for my comments. Portuguese readers look our for that article!

Nest on the Spanish border blown down by recent high winds